My SOS Family Ltd 应用

One Touch Alert 1.6
One Touch Alert App.The official and best SOS Telecare panic alarm app to help andimprove the Health and Safety of Lone Workers, Travelers, Holidaymakers, Students, Women, Children/Kids, Vulnerable Elderly andtheir Carers.This is more than just a SOS Panic Alarm or PersonalAlarm.One Touch Alert App complements an amazing, cloud based securesystem which is user friendly and easy to manage.What does the App offer?- Gives the user and their UNLIMITED SOS Family network peace ofmind that they are all connected by a touch of a button, you justhave to register free at to addyour SOS Family Network.Where does it work?Anywhere and every-country where there is a phone signal[See new features it can work even if you lose your signal].Do my friends, family, work-colleagues, employers, carers needan App or Smartphone?No! One Touch Alert works with all devices, including: - Landlines,Simple Mobile phones, Smart phones and Email.Am I limited to the number of people or types of contact in OneTouch Alert?No! You have unlimited number of people and add all their contactmethods (Landline phone-call, SMS, email)Can I decide who to contact when, for example, my parents atnight on their landline and their work numbers in the day?YES, you can easily choose How, When and Who and How many timesIf I go abroad, I will turn off roaming, will it workthen?Yes the App switches to SMS when there is no data networkcoverage.Trigger the SOS Family App alert from your connected watch withone simple button.New Features :- Trigger the Alert is using your earphones, or a selfie stick /or Bluetooth device.- You are provided with your own "personal alert number" thatyou add into your contacts, you can discretely call it and leave arecorded message, this will trigger an alert to your SOS contactswith a link to the recording.- You have a Countdown Timer you can set up-to 24 hours, if youdon't cancel it, an Alert is sent to your SOS contacts with yourcurrent location.- Worried about losing your phones signal and ability to send analert, for example working in the basement? You can now synchronizethe remote timer in your personal account in the cloud by simplysliding a button in the app and your alert will be sent from youraccount and not your phone with you last location to your SOScontacts.
My SOS Family Emergency Alerts
Call for help, send SOS alerts to family, friends, emergencycontacts & even 911